Architasker builds a community arround your architecture project!

Get residents engaged, leverage the collective intelligence, and invest in a community.

Crowdsourcing Participatory Design Software
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Short Overview

Architasker is an innovative design management software that uses artificial intelligence to interact with the community and engages residents in the architecture and urban design process.

The software enables the community to navigate and express their opinion on various planning proposals. Finally, through this valuable communication, a plan is developed that the community supports 100%. The software allows for greater access to information and reduces the barriers of language, cultural and religious differences.

By providing a platform for open dialogue and ongoing feedback, the software encourages a more democratic planning process. This can help ensure that all voices are represented in the planning process, leading to decisions more reflective of the community’s needs and desires.

In addition, the software also helps to increase public trust in the planning process, as it allows the public to see their input being used in the decision-making process. This can lead to greater engagement and trust in the future.


  • Improved public participation in planning decisions.
  • Increased collaboration between the community and the planners
  • Increased trust between the government and the citizens
  • Faster and more efficient planning processes
  • Automated communication with the community
  • Better design solutions tailored to the needs of the community
  • Accessible to people with disabilities and people who speak different languages
  • Reduced bureaucracy and costs associated with public participation