AI for Urban Analytics, Prediction, and Design

The project iuses Artificial Intelligence for improving architectural practices to foster the development of sustainable urban environments.

AI for Urban Analytics, Prediction, and Design
Line Shape Image
Line Shape Image


Our research encompasses several areas: predictive analysis, AI-driven creative processes, and optimization. For example, we use historical data to predict the impact of urban renewal to help make informed, data-driven decisions. Additionally, we focus on creating sophisticated image-generating models that enable visualizing architectural designs, broadening the scope of creative possibilities. Our optimization research uses advanced algorithms to analyze complex urban data and propose effective designs.


  • Ministery of Science and Technology
  • Ariel University
  • Green Group LTD

Related Papers

Jonathan Dortheimer, Gerhard Schubert, Agata Dalach, Lielle Joy Brenner, Nikolas Martelaro (2023). Think AI-side the Box! Exploring the Usability of Text-to-Image Generators for Architecture Students. eCAADe proceedings doi:10.52842/conf.ecaade.2023.2.567
Anna Boim, Jonathan Dortheimer, Aaron Sprecher (2022). A Machine-Learning Approach to Urban Design Interventions In Non-Planned Settlements. CAADRIA proceedings doi:10.52842/conf.caadria.2022.1.223